Users can use two ways to store HCFH
All available cryptocurrency wallets that support Polygon tokens (Metamask, Trustwallet and others).
Storing tokens in a wallet on the HCF platform Our platform has an integrated wallet where users can store their HCFH tokens We are actively improving our platform and developing the internal wallet.
HCFH contract address 0x3c57F30268F366E3749041b704B0682eFb1031bA
Guide How To Add Tokens
This is a quick guide how to add HCFW token to your wallet like Metamask, Trust Wallet or other web3 wallet.
Open the application and find the list of cryptocurrencies and tokens in your web 3 wallet;
Find the button "Add token" or "Import token";
Make sure that you choose the Polygon network;
Paste the HCFW contract address 0x3c57F30268F366E3749041b704B0682eFb1031bA;
All the other fields will be filled automatically;
Click "Add" or "Import token";
You are all set up.
Last updated