Road map
4Q 2022
Official launch of HCFH (Humans Care Foundation: House) to directly address urgent humanitarian needs around the world.
1Q 2023
Start of the HCFH token mining phase on Ethereum to enable distribution of tokens within the community on the 19th of January 2022.
Creating partnerships with charitable organizations and NGOs to amplify the reach and impact.
2Q 2023
Funding initiatives of NGO partners.
Setting up a data migration process, ensuring the safe transfer of HCF assets and user data from the Ethereum blockchain to Polygon.
Work on creating the platform, leveraging blockchain technology to enable transparent and secure donations while reducing fees and overhead costs.
3Q 2023
Testing and double-checking of the data migration process from Ethereum blockchain to Polygon and its successfull completion.
Establishing a partnership and commencing operations with Liquid Pool.
Establishing a partnership and connecting Cryptomus Cryptoprocessing.
Integration with Blockpass world-leading KYC and AML operator to ensure the pure donation flow.
4Q 2023
Official launch of the HCF platform including Voting System, Staking Program, and Ambassador Program to enable the worldwide community to donate to high-impact charity initiatives.
Mobile application development.
Actively seeking out new charity initiatives and attracting funding to help them.
Implementation of the HCFH project's full functionality and integration into the HCF mobile application launch.
Provide regular updates and transparent reports about the progress of charity initiatives.
Last updated